Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Do you know how valuable your patent is?

    Last month, a discussion started at my home that we should buy a new house. We were generally planning that our current house is already 30 years old, and would need repairs often and seeing the future we should start investing in a new house now itself. So the first obvious question that came is…

  • Why start-ups should be aware of Patent Thickets and Design Around?

    Start-ups should be aware of patent thickets because they can have significantimplications on their ability to innovate, grow, and operate in the market. A patent thicket refers to a situation where numerous patents, often owned by different companies or individuals, cover various aspects of a particular technology or product. These overlapping and interrelated patents can…

  • Infringement Analysis – How are you a Sherlock?

    As I understand, a physical property (like a home) is similar to my Intellectual property or patent. So, if someone starts using my home, living in it without paying rent or purchasing it, they are liable for litigation. Similarly, if someone is using your patent without paying licensing fee or purchasing the rights to the…

  • How Directed Prosecution helps you generate maximum ROI?

    What is directed prosecution?Directed Prosecution services involve conducting a product search within the context of the existing claim scope and proposing modifications to the patent claims to make them suitable for enforcement. Let’s understand it through an example – Consider a scenario where a patent application claims a set of features. Let’s name the features…


    Welcome to “Invent → Monetize → Repeat – A guide to gain from Patents”. This book is aimed at demystifying the complex world of patents, making it accessible to not just patent professionals, but also the common public. Whether you’re an inventor, an entrepreneur, or simply curious about the potential of patents, this book will…

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